When someone buys, sells, transfers POFL tokens, 25% of the transaction value is split between the total number of tokens held, and is rewarded as Ether to all token holders, based on how many POFL tokens they hold. The smart contract regulates token value and circulating POFL. The price changes 0.2% higher upon buy, or 0.2% lower upon sell. Tokens are created on buys, and destroyed on sell.
Holding at least 100 POFL tokens has activates your masternode link. Whenever someone purchases with your masternode link, you receive ETH rewards valued 33% of the 25% buy-in-fees they would otherwise pay to the contract. This aplies to new buys, not reinvestments.
The smart contract allows you to convert your ETH into tokens, increasing your ability to earn more ETH. At any time, you can sell your tokens back to the smart contract for the current price, or withdraw the ETH rewards you've accumulated. There is zero guarantee you will earn ETH playing this game, and zero guarantee you won't lose the ETH you play with. This game is intended for entertainment purposes only.